Hi everybody! As many of you know my dad’s birthday is coming up. I am not sure my dad will like this sentence going public but: he is turning 47 years old. I thought I would write 47 things about him. So I have one request of everyone reading. My request is for the people…
Hi everyone I was thinking on what to do a blog on after I came home from the movies. In the middle of thinking I thought I wanted to make more pop-corn for myself. When I heard the pop-corn popping it hit me. POP-CORN! I have a passion for pop-corn so here are some pop-corn…
Are, you sitting at home watching football and could care less about people diagnosed with cancer around the world? In our country 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. 1 in 1,000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer. We all sit here thinking that we won’t get something like that but we just…
This year something very exciting happened in the Ms. America pageant. This is the very first time an Indian girl has ever won this pageant. This beautiful lady is Ms. Nina Dalvuri. This really shows diversity and that America is an accepting country. Right? Not exactly. Though this is such an amazing thing, like everything…
Has anyone ever told you that you are not good enough to do something or you think too big? Well it happens to everyone. Recently I watched a movie about Steve Jobs. I can’t even tell you how many people doubted him in his lifetime. He had so many so many ideas, like having different…