Have you ever felt down in life? I know I have. Whenever I do I think to myself YOLO. This is a term that recently came along. It stands for “You only live once”. I think we all need to embrace this and live a happy life.
You always have to think positively. You need to think about happy things that will happen. If you are so worried about something bad happening and in the end everything turns out exactly how it was supposed to be, look back and see how much of your life you wasted on thinking bad thoughts. If you think of good thoughts you will also feel happy. It is totally a better feeling than feeling down in the dumps.
Now if something bad happens even though you thought as positively as you could, you have to remember it will NOT be the end of the world. My mom always says “Always try your best but if you make a mistake it is not the end of the world”. It is absolutely true. Let’s say you forgot homework at home one day. Will the sky fall down? If you drop something will oxygen stop flowing? The answer to both of these questions is no. I am not saying it is good to not even try to reach you full potential but along the way it’s okay to make mistakes.
You also need to remember to have fun. If you have a performance just think about the thing you love doing and do it. Don’t think about how you’re going to mess up. The chances are you won’t if you have fun doing it. Always have fun during life and do the things you love. The thing I love that I do every week is WRITE! I love writing. To me it is so much fun to express my feelings to you.
YOLO: “You only live once” Embrace your life.