I think it is rather paradoxical how the world feels so small and yet so large at the same time. With what seems like infinite cultures, languages, and customs, it is so easy to group ourselves. We have come to live in a time period where people are so divided and to be frank, it’s frustrating. I am guilty of it; I have found myself making snap judgements about people based on one fact about them. There is so much to be changed in this world, and the truth is, that is indeed a team effort. So, I say, we as a society start acting a bit more like a team.

Look for the good
Something struck me recently. I am currently in Colorado, and as I was sitting next to a stream simply marveling at the natural beauty in front of me. The moving water made me reflect on how we are all connected. It’s funny how nature does that to you. It’s beauty and majesty make all of our conflicts as humans seem so very trivial. Whether it be through waterways and streams, or through the humanity we all share, there is always some level of connection – it is just a matter of finding it. Now I know that this feels a bit cliché, but I think it’s something we are tending to forget. Something as simple as sitting across from someone you disagree with can be the perfect impetus for finding that connection.
For me, it is easy to get overwhelmed with the sad and scary news that is always surrounding us. I don’t know if it’s the beauty I’m currently surrounded by, but I feel as though I have gained some new perspective. There is also so much good in all of us and when we channel it, amazing things will happen.
What’s a goal without action steps? Here are my personal steps towards finding human connection:
- Lean into discomfort. I am going to find the people I disagree with the most and have real conversations without judgement. The hardest part of this is when someone holds an opinion I see as dismissing my identity, however, conversation and empathy are how these notions are broken down.
- Stop listening the knee-jerk alarm. Often, when I hear someone who holds an opinion that concerns me, an alarm goes off within me. I am going to try and acknowledge this alarm and turn it off so as to stop the snap judgements.
- Look for the good. It’s always important to find the beautiful things that bring us together as the human race. I’m going to start looking for the beautiful views, the thought-provoking art, and some jamming music – anything that helps me see the perspectives I need to see. Anything that transcends our divisions.
I am the first to say that differences are vital to progress. Connection doesn’t mean discounting those differences, it means finding ways to come together and lean into those differences.
I hope you see something beautiful this week.